Principal's Message for Parents
  To Parents  

Dear Parents,
It has been our constant effort to create conditions to bring forth the hidden potentials of our children. This objective can be achieved only through the combined efforts of Students, Teachers and Parents. If we have innumerable challenges before us then we also have a number of capabilities. We take pride in providing best knowledge and skills to our children to face those challenges.

In recent times, with changes in social structure the role of Parents has increased
manifold. They must spend maximum of their quality time with their children and instill confidence in them and boost their morale. In this age of cut-throat competition, and because of the great influence of media, this is a must.

But we cannot achieve all this unless our work is supplemented by you, the parents. So we seek your unconditional support, help and co-operation. Please do find time to attend parents' orientation programs and all PTMs to remain abreast of your child's progress.

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